Meet Andre
Andre is an older adult and recent patient of the Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit at Parkwood Institute who is involved as a Patient Partner with a quality improvement project focused on cafeteria renovations. Andre uses a wheelchair to ambulate on days when he is experiencing higher levels fatigue or instability. He travels via paratransit when a family caregiver is not available to accompany him. When planning her first engagement meeting, staff member Stephanie considers the following to ensure Andre is able to participate fully:
- Providing Andre with background information about the purpose project in a senior friendly format (e.g., size 14 print) so he can familiarize himself in advance
- Checking in about restrictions around meeting time to allow for any daily care routines or important appointments
- Providing advance notice (e.g., 1-2 weeks) of the meeting date and time so that Andre can confirm his transportation arrangements
- Booking the meeting in a room with adequate space for ease of movement in a wheelchair
- Asking Andre upon arrival if he prefers to pull his wheelchair up to the table or transition to a stable chair with arms that has been provided
- Monitoring the conversation during the meeting and actively inviting Andre to share his thoughts if he seems hesitant to jump into the conversation