Practical Tools and Resources

Practical tools and resources across St. Joseph’s include:

eLearning Module – Caregivers as Partners in Care

This online learning opportunity provides staff with practical tips and strategies for engaging caregivers in care. Simply asking “how are you doing?” or “is there anything I can do for you”, goes a long way to making family feel welcome. Family caregivers are an important part of the care team, they have valuable information to share and should be involved in decision-making (with permission of the patient). This module promotes general awareness of family caregiver engagement!

Download eLearning Module Overview


Care Resource Binder

This tool was developed as part of the Changing Care initiative (2017-2020), and has been implemented in many programs across the organization. The binder acts as a mechanism to engage patients and family caregivers in care and discharge planning discussions. As resources are discussed with patients/families they are added to the binder. The binder is taken with the patient on day of discharge. The binder facilitates communication, engagement and education between staff, patients and families.

Download Care Resource Binder

Download Care Resource Binder Checklist


Patient Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS)

PODS are an evidence-based tool being used in many programs across the organization as a method of engaging patients and families in the discharge process to ensure they know how to manage at home, improving that transition. The tool includes a few key sections including, “medications I need to take”; “changes to my routine”, “what should I do if….”, “appointments” and “where to go for information/key contacts”. Rather than just handing this document to patients at time of discharge, providers review the document in detail with patients (and families).

Download PODS Example - CORP

Download PODS Example - SGS


Teach-back Method

The teach-back is an evidence-based strategy for communication being used by staff on several programs at St. Joseph’s. Using this strategy, staff confirm that patients and family caregivers understand the information that is being explained to them by asking patients and family to teach it back. This places the onus is on the provider to ensure their communication has been clear. The technique provides opportunities for patients and families to clarify information and ask questions.

Download Introduction to the Teach-back Method


Meet Mario and Rosa

Mario was a patient on the Stroke Rehabilitation Unit at Parkwood Institute who experienced mild cognitive impairment and mobility challenges. When planning for his discharge home, his care team helped him and his wife Rosa feel confident that they were prepared to manage the transition using a Patient Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS). Working through the sections of this tool together enabled Rosa as a family caregiver to add context about potential challenges including the stairs to the bedroom so they could make an alternate plan. It was also important for them to have Mario’s medications recorded with doses and timing because he sometimes struggled to remember the details. Both Mario and Rosa were comforted knowing that they had access to this critical information in one place and that they knew who to contact if they had any questions or issues once they returned home.

Meet Wanda

Wanda is a member of the environmental services team at St. Joseph’s Hospital. When she is doing her morning rounds cleaning on the unit, she always greets patients and family caregivers warmly and introduces herself. After learning about the importance of Care Partnerships and how even simple engagement can impact the care experience, Wanda now makes a point of asking patients and caregivers how they are doing, if there is anything that they have noticed that might need attention or if there is anything specific that she can help with. Last week, a family caregiver was able to point out some remaining pieces of glass under the edge of the bed that had been missed when a flower vase toppled and broke overnight. Wanda was able to address the concern swiftly – resulting in a happy caregiver and a safer environment.

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